God Thirsting

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Our chariot had arrived! We were about to embark on a ‘once in a lifetime’ journey to Meade Glacier, Alaska. And we were geared up to the hilt! Literally. Meade glacier is a rugged, desolate, far from anywhere chunk of ice five miles long and nine hundred feet thick. We had layer upon layer of clothing, ski poles, and boots with sharp metal spikes to stabilize our walk. We had been told that people who slip and fall on the glacier usually cut themselves pretty severely because the ice is full of sharp edges. Needless to say, our adrenalin rush was at an all-time high!

We took off and climbed high over snow covered mountain peaks! Breathtaking!!
My thought: How could anything survive in such harsh terrain?
Another thought: God is absolutely amazing!

We finally arrived at our destination and it felt as if we are in another planet… really! Everything around us seemed so unrecognizable. As we were given a tour of the area the opportunity came for anyone interested to drink from one of the few running shallow water streams on the surface of the ice. I obviously jumped at the chance and drank. It was probably the best freezing cold water I’ve ever tasted.
While re-living these pics, a bible verse came to mind, “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God!” Psalm 42:1, (GW)

My glacier surroundings couldn’t be more opposite to the ones the author of Psalm 42 was thinking about. The Middle East is arid, not icy. Hot, not cold. Also, we don’t know if the deer longing for water is thirsty because it’s been running for its life from a predator or because there hasn’t been any rain and there’s nothing but dry river beds everywhere. Regardless, this deer needs refreshment. Animals in that rugged area adapt to dry conditions but eventually water is necessary or death will happen.

Here in America we usually get thirsty because either we have been working out or playing sports or because the cook put too much salt on our food. But satisfying a thirst can be a matter of life and death. Humans can go for many days without food but more than three or four days without water and we’re done for.

Spiritually speaking, we need God as the deer needs water. But our thirst, the thirst the author was writing about, is from the soul, that invisible place at the very core of our being.

Whether people know it or not, everyone, church or unchurched, longs for God. Each one is a creature created by a Creator and as such we all want to know where we came from, Who made us, and why we are here. But the one compared to a deer in Psalm 42 is a person that has chosen to follow the Lord.

Us, the believers, thirst for God more than the rest. It’s not because Christians are better than anyone else. We are not! We thirst for Jesus because we’ve been forgiven. We’ve been given a taste of the love and goodness of God and we long for more of that… especially when we’ve been sidetracked by something else.

Have you ever lost track of what you were doing? Or, have you asked yourself, “Now, what was I going to do?” or “Why did I come to the store for?” It happens to me more and more as I get older! I think that living in this world often makes us forget the One who loves us most. I ran across this in Psalm 63:1, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.” In other words, this world does not have what God can give. Even with all its glitz and bling, the world is parched, dry, and not the answer to the yearnings and cravings of our very being.

If you can relate to that thirsting for God deer, do something about it right now and go get a satisfying drink. Obviously I am not talking about going to the water cooler but to the One who invented water.

The bible says that Jesus offers living water to everyone who is God thirsting. He compared that water to a bubbling spring of eternal life that gushes out continually from within us… GUSH, GUSH… until we get to heaven.

Maybe you feel like you’re shriveling up inside with sadness and disappointment. Times are tough! Look for God today. Turn your heart and thoughts to Him even if just for a few brief moments. Whisper a prayer. Yield to Him. He will once again give you some of the most satisfying ‘water’ you’ve ever tasted. And it won’t take much; a little of God will go a long way. Let Him recharge and renew you. Just one sip at a time will do.

Than you for reading! God bless you!! Please leave me a comment if you’d like.

9 thoughts on “God Thirsting

  1. This was an encouraging afternoon pick-me-up! Sipping on my coffee (not as refreshing as ice cold glacier water), but it’s going to help me get through the day. Gods love though like water will help get me through life, thanks for the reminder!

    • Thanks for your encouraging words. Sipping ice coffee is not bad, though! I needed that reminder as well while I was writing.

  2. Thank you for thinking of me, Pastor Jorge. I read your inspirational message. I thank my Creator every day for the life I have been given. I have truly been blessed.

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