How To Make A Solid Nest For Life

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My Pics bird raven

Sometimes after I drop my wife off at work early in the morning I’ll sit in the car and have breakfast by the river. I was sipping on some delicious cold brew and eating a jelly filled doughnut when this raven (or crow) stopped next to my window.

I am not a superstitious person, but if I were I would have probably chocked on the ‘juice’ inside the pastry I was eating.

Ravens have gotten a bad rap. People associate them with something bad. I read that if you see these black birds circling over your house or just perching themselves on your roof, it means someone’s about to croak. Ok… maybe I went too dark too fast. If nothing else, to many ravens are a sign of bad luck.

But I don’t buy into that sort of thinking. Let’s get positive!

Obviously this bird was on task and flew on top of that fence to catch his breath… it was only twigs in his beak but to a bird that load may have seemed like heavy lumber. I kind of think the bird was in the process of building a solid nest that could withstand wind and weather, a place where later on happy little birdies would be chirping and growing.

This all got me thinking about what it takes for a person to make his/her own solid nest (or a strong way of life) that will last. Of course we could list many ideas, but to honor your time (and mine) I want to go to the core of where we live and just offer 1 relevant insight.

Our greatest source of wisdom, the Bible, says,

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 NLT

When the Bible talks about the heart, it usually refers to much more than the a muscle with valves, ventricles, and blood.

The heart is symbolic of emotions like love and mercy. Have you heard someone say something like, “C’mon, have a heart, will you?” That’s usually a reference to kindness.

Courage is also something we think happens deep in the heart. “She fought with all her heart; she gave it all she had.”

The heart is also associated with the will and the conscience and the many memories you keep under lock deep inside. Sometimes it is anxiety and worry that rides heavy in our hearts.

Life is not just about keeping the thing pumping and ticking at the right pace, but about awesome, passionate relationships we give our all to and about successfully handling concerns and emotions and about having an attitude and resolve to give what matters all we’ve got. God knows this! He created you and me. That is probably why He tells us to guard our hearts. After all, it’s fragile and breaks easy. But when we keep an eye on it, the heart gives us a running chance at anything we desire.

So how do we guard our hearts? How do we watch over something only doctors can see in a monitor?

Well, by exercising common sense, for one. Be careful what you subject yourself to. What you listen to and watch has an effect on your mind and heart. And, how you treat your body can either make you feel like you’re about to conquer the world or about to throw in the towel (a phrase used for when a boxer can’t go another round; his trainer throws a towel into the ring letting the referee know the boxer is done fighting).

Beyond common sense, and above all else, focus on the spiritual and eternal. Jesus said,

“But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” Matthew 6:33 AMP

What things? Whatever we need to build a solid nest and enjoy life to the uttermost. How about getting on task and praying the Lord help you keep your eyes on Him? Life is easier to build with Jesus on our side!

Thanks for reading. Please leave me a comment.


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