Awesome Leadership Tips That Empower And Add People Value


pocket change

(Photo Credit: Pixabay)

I am a nut about coin change. A lot of people hate change but I love it and want more of it.

When the item costs $3.01 I’ll give the cashier $4. Then the question, “Sir, do you have one cent?” My response, “Nah, I want the ninety nine cents change.” At that point the cashier looks at me funny and gives me the “you’re weird look.” But that’s ok.

All I want to do is pocket those coins and put them in a ginormous coin bank I have at home. It’s an ancient plastic bottle with the picture of once feared Goldberg on it.


The guy’s lovely screaming face pasted in front of it hide the coins from view but there are a lot of them in there. And I’m carrying the whole thing to the bank. Needless to say I will get stares at the place but I don’t care. Before the days of debit cards one load of coins translated into over four hundred dollars.

I realize that not a lot of people use cash anymore, but if you do try this for several months (even a couple of years). It’s a fun way to save a little even if you haven’t been too disciplined at saving money. Plus, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

You may be wondering, “What does any of this have to do with a leadership principle that will empower me and add value to my people?” Everything!

Through the years I’ve taught my wife, kids, and church leaders the principle of ‘Change In Your Pocket.’ I heard it first at a conference years ago.

Whether you’re a pastor, leader in an organization or you find yourself in the middle of a pack of employees, this principle will empower you and raise you up as a leader.

The idea is simple. Just imagine every time you make a good decision at work or do something positive or of value to others it’s like them giving you change that you put in your pocket. Remember, no actual money is changing hands, it’s all in your mind.

Whenever you genuinely love someone or say a word of encouragement or help someone in need or go out of your way for another just because you care, that person will respond by giving you change for your pocket. Hugs, thank you’s, smiles translate into change in your pocket.

At the end of the day, you want to have a big load of change in your pocket!

On the other hand, whenever you do something selfish or make a poor decision that results in some kind of loss or you say words that hurt others, the result is people asking for some of the change they gave you earlier, back.

Your goal is to always have change in your pocket even after you’ve had to give some back. The moment you lose all your change you’re done. Losing change is like losing credibility, trust, and respect.

I was forced to ask for someone’s resignation once because he kept making poor decisions. The first few times it happened it was all forgiven and training followed because the employee had prior change in his pocket (he had made some good choices in the past). But repeated offenses demanded change from his pocket again and again and eventually he ran out of change.

You never want to run out of change in your pocket!

Let me summarize, you get change in your pocket when you go all out for those around you. When you bless and care for others as the Lord would it raises your leadership in their eyes.

Great leaders have a pocket full of change!

Can you share another leadership principle? Please leave me a comment. And if you want to automatically receive my posts in your email please subscribe the blog. Thanks!

NFL Widows: How To Actually Live With Football Fan And Treasure It

NFL Widows

There was a nation-wide collective gasp a few days ago.  You may not have heard it audibly but you may have sensed it as millions of NFL fans wives realized football is back.

By no means am I generalizing that all wives hate football. My darling wife is one who enjoys sports. The majority of wives, however, don’t look forward to the season. A wife told me once, “My 6 month home prison sentence is about to begin.”

As millions gasped in concern, millions like me were singing, “Tis the season to be jolly!”

So, I want to help those who feel like life has come to a sudden crash halt by helping you understand the mind of a football fan. I’ll do that by answering some common questions you may have.

Question: What is so appealing about big guys in uniforms and pads chasing a ball?

Answer: Nothing really! But we boys like big hits, taunting, crowds going crazy, and players rumbling, stumbling, mumbling, fumbling. It’s hard to explain.

Question: Isn’t fantasy football just make believe anyway?

Answer: It’s a great escape from the reality of life. Others turn to books or yoga or exercise or shopping as an escape. Some even hunt for Pokemon.

Fantasy footballers imagine owning a franchise of pro players. (IMPORTANT: never utter the words, “It’s only a game” to your sports fan. Them are fighting words! We’re serious about it.)

Question: Does God really care about football?

Answer: Ah, theology. Finally. I want to think that God likes the Miami Dolphins but honestly I’m not sure He cares about football in general. However, He does care about what we do. The Bible says,

“You know when I sit down and when I rise up [my entire life, everything I do]… You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And You are intimately acquainted with all my ways.” (Psalm 139:2-3, Amp)

In other words, God knows the details of our lives. That is a comforting thought!

The Lord is keenly aware of everything I do including my love for football, and He is ok with it. (Tweet that)

Question: Watching football is such a waste of time. Shouldn’t we be doing something else with our time?

Answer: To be honest, any tv watching (crime shows, the Kardashians, History channel shows) can be a waste of time if it keeps family members from communicating or interacting. If it’s true that the average American watches tv more than 5 hours a day, then watching football is no different than any other day.

So, how do you tackle your NFL woes? 

First, make Sunday Fun Day for you. You can choose to completely detach yourself from your football craving mate or spend some of the time with him/her. Your company, even if for a short while, will be much appreciated. My wife browses internet sites, crochets scarves to send to our military abroad, or even take a nap while I’m in my fantasy zone. But at least she’s in the room with me. 

Second, become an NFL fashionista. Have fun dressing your kids with team logo clothes. Also wear football jerseys,  team logo t-shirts, and even team colors on your face. I understand that may be a little too extreme  but your husband is going to see you and think you’re hotter than the wings he’s about to munch on.

Third, think of fun snack suppers to do with your football crew (family) on game nights. 

Fourth, and most importantly, pray that God helps you with the long season ahead. He is able!

Fifth, ask questions about fantasy and the game. That starts a conversation and may even spark your interest in the game.

I realize I didn’t even mention college football but the same applies.

Don’t let this season eat you up inside. Do what you can to make it a positive experience.  

What can you add to the list? Please leave me a comment. 



Fantasy Football: How to Crush It With the Right Strategy

Fantasy Football

Can you say, “Are you ready for some football?” It’s only the preseason, I know, but we fans are a wee-bit excited. Adrenalin is rushing through our veins already.

When a Nascar race is about to start, Darrell Waltrip yells out, “Boogity, boogity, boogity!” Football fans are not that creative, we just go, “Yeah, baby…where the chips and dip at?”

We start wearing our tattered jerseys, t-shirts, team logo hats, and bring out our team logo koozies (them are actually like Christmas lights left hanging year-round; we use them 24/7).

That excitement is raised several notches when you’re into Fantasy Football (FF) like I am. We buy magazines,  do web team roster research, and are thinking, talking, dreaming FF. And Draft Day? We’ve waited 6 months for it.

You may ask, “But… aren’t you a pastor?” It may surprise you how many pastors are into FF. In fact, our draft day happens in our church’s youth building.

Not everyone loves FF, though. I’ve met several wives that seriously dread and absolutely despise this time of the year. My next post will hopefully encourage them. But for now, I want to share with you the right FF strategy to have so you can crush it this year.

BTW, I am a 10 Team Keeper League Champion. Our league trophy, ‘The Widow Maker’, has my name on it. Just saying! (see pic above)

Ok, so I want to help you out.

The key to success (not only in FF but in life) is to pace yourself. (Tweet that) This is critically important. You need to have a list of priorities you live by. Mine are as follows:

  1. God – He always deserves top spot in all we do. There’s a Bible verse that goes, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1Corinthians 10:31 NLT, emphasis mine)
  2. Family – my wife and children deserve my loving attention.
  3. Work/church – for me these 2 are tied together, after all, I am a preacher. But even if you’re not in a church related vocation make sure Sunday church worship with your family high on your list. God blesses those who honor Him! Also honor the Lord in whatever you do for a living.

Once you have a good grip on those then it’s game on.

As you get ready for Draft Day (ours includes pizza, chips, drinks, world famous tater salad, and dessert) keep this short strategy in mind:

  • Concentrate on the now – last season is in the past. The fact that one player was tearing it up last year may be a sign of good things to come but not necessarily.
  • Follow a few mock drafts to see where the players you like are being drafted. This year there’s a good crop of 2nd tier QB’s so don’t draft one too early. Be wise.
  • Keep up with injuries. You don’t want to be like my buddy Gene who drafted a guy that was out for the season. Ouch!
  • Research players strength of schedule, especially late in the season.
  • Pick players with the most value.
  • Draft players with upside.
  • Remember that seasons are often won or lost in the middle rounds of the draft. Have your dream team in mind.
  • Read, read, read.
  • On draft day my wife (she is also my team’s GM) makes a point to say, “Stick to your game-plan” as I walk out the door. You do the same.

To whoever invented FF, “Live long and prosper!” And to fantasy footballers everywhere, “Have a great season!”

What’s your FF strategy? Please leave me a comment.

How To Dump What Bugs Your Life So You Can Be Happy And Enjoy Your New Life


Whenever I meet a pastor and his wife for the first time, I often ask her, “How are you doing at that church? How are they treating you?”

One of the most misunderstood and undervalued people around is the pastor’s wife.

Pastor’s may have a tough job but she carries a heavier load. She sees him struggle behind closed doors, senses his broken heart, shares his tears and must keep it all inside by necessity. There’s too much at risk in opening up to just anyone. So she takes her place on Sundays as usual and smiles.

Do you ever wonder how many hearts are breaking behind a smile on any given Sunday morning?

In many churches the pastor’s wife has a target on her back… and so do her children. My wife and I have experienced it. Thank God for churches that love and protect their pastor and his wife. We are in one of them at the present!

Maybe you’re not a pastor’s wife but you too know the hurt I’m referring to. You’ve been dragging around open emotional wounds that make your skies seem gray.

Of course I’m not necessarily referring to deeply-seated issues of the heart that may require professional help. I’m thinking more about what someone said or did that set you off that you can’t shake off.

I have a faint memory of a classic cartoon family that had a lightning storm cloud following them wherever they went. Is that you?

The apostle Paul wrote a statement that could clear the forecast in your life today and every day. He wrote,

‘For if a man [or woman] is in Christ he [she] becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new.’ (2Corinthians 5:17, PHILLIPS, italics mine)

Read that passage again slowly please… let it sink deep. Internalize it. Digest it.

What if we began each day thinking that there’s something fresh and new waiting for us? It would result fresh new confidence and enthusiasm about what lies ahead.

But what do you do with those nagging thoughts eating you up inside?

Here’s something you can do that gives you a visual about dumping what bugs you so you can enjoy life the way God designed it.

First, on a piece of paper specifically name what is eating you up inside. You could simply write something like,

Lord, I’ve been holding on to ______. By your name and in your strength I am letting go of it. Help me, Lord.

Second, pull that page off your notebook and crumple it into a ball.


Stump on it, rip it into itty bitty pieces if you like.

Third, throw that trash in the trash. Let that crumpled paper make friends with last night’s chicken bones and the week old stale bread pudding you had to chuck because no one liked it.

Fourth, take the trash bag outside with a prayer,

Lord, thank you for making me new in Jesus. Please give me a fresh start. I don’t want to hold on to this anymore.

Fifth, if you’re home when trash pick up reaches your house, wave it good bye.

Sixth, next time your mind wants to go back there (to the trash), tell your mind where to go, back to your new you.

Your past is where it needs to be, in the past. Leave it there. Don’t hold on to negative feelings. Let them go so  God can replace them with His joy.

How do you get rid of what bugs you? Please leave me a comment.






How To Give Your Day a Powerful Boost By Getting Unplugged


While at the beach the other day I was watching a little ghost crab at work. He labored intensely for hours taking sand out of his sandy burrow.

It reminded me of the daily grind we are all in. For us pastors, the job is a 24/7. Sometimes people ask, “How was your day off?” I reply with a smile, “What day off?” A pastor’s work is so multifaceted.

I am a minister of etcetera!

From studying and preaching to being by the bedside of the dying to cleaning toilets (if the need arises) a pastor has to be willing and ready for anything. It’s the nature of the beast! Ministry can be extremely draining and is often discouraging so it must be effectively managed daily.

You may not be a pastor but your career demands are taking a toll. And if you’re a stay-at-home parent the load, at times, is overwhelming.

How do you give your day a powerful boost? Get unplugged.

Unplugged? I’m referring to moments during your day that emotionally and psychologically take you to a happy place in your mind. If you’re into electronics think of it as a quick reboot that resets your happiness system.

In a way, unplugging is similar to  ‘me time.’


I did a quick research of ‘me time’ only to find that 100% of the articles and blogs I came across focused strictly on women…kind of disappointing.

Hey, I can lose myself in a warm Victoria’s Secrets bubble bath like the next guy (or girl). But what about finding refreshment (some me time) during the daily grind?

I remember when Jesus Christ told His disciples, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 NLT)

For all practical purposes the word ‘rest’ was like a pause, a time-out from the daily pressure cooker the Lord and His disciples found themselves in.

Yes! A time-out for the brain is what you and I are after, a mental pause in that office of yours, cubicle, or wherever you do whatever you do.

Keep in mind that unplugging doesn’t have to mean isolation from others. Although it’s easier to meditate when you isolate you can still become raptured while in the middle of a crowd.

Recently, while at Megacon, I became unplugged! Although there were thousands of people there, the stress of life was relieved as my head seemed like on a swivel taking in all the sights and sounds.

You may be thinking, “Awesome, but my work is more like Megabore. And the atmosphere is Megatense. Beyond that, there’s Megadrama going on among employees.”

My reply: Get unplugged. Make it happen, otherwise no one is going to do it for you.

Unplugging may be as simple as pushing your chair back and silently re-connecting with your Maker in prayer. That’s a power boost for sure.

Accomplishing manageable short term goals during your day is another way to unplug. Concentrate on making things happen.

I was recently helping file countless of papers at my wife’s work. After a while I got unplugged from the drudgery of filing by focusing on short stacks and turning on some Aerosmith (I’m not your stereotypical pastor). Then I was in the zone (the filing zone, if there is such a thing) I was having such a time I was even asked to tone it down some!

Unplug yourself! Think of that person that makes you smile. Face time that person for 1 minute. It’ll make a world of good.

You can also do a brief unplug by taking a few moments to day dream about something exciting you have coming up. Unplugged! It works!

How do you unplug?