How To Make The Most Of Your Bucket List Day

My wife and I went to a Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band concert last week. It was in our bucket list to do. I was decked out with a bright colored hawaiian shirt and an even brighter colored big parrot hat on my head. We had an absolute blast!

What’s in your bucket list? Maybe you don’t call it that, but there are a few things you really hope you can do one day. Great! Do what you can to get there and then, when the day arrives, there are 3 things you can do to make it a memorable time.  Continue reading

How A Powerful Book Can Energize Your Life

I know the above image looks kind of cluttered but that’s because I like to collect unusual things and put them in my office. That’s a picture of part of my library, by the way.

I realize that many people nowadays will read books in their iPads and Kindles but I like the old fashion hard copy ones.

Someone said that a mind that has been stretched by an idea will never return to its original dimension. Continue reading

Enjoying Your Life To The Full…Mango Style

I had a dream the other day that I was writing a blog about peeling a mango and savoring every bite of it. Sounds crazy but I do have off-the-wall dreams sometimes.

Of course I realize that Mangos are not everyone’s cup of tea. The fruit and its texture does require an acquired taste, but even if you don’t like mangos, keep reading, this can definitely be profitable to you.

My family and I love mangos. I grew up with a mango tree in our back yard so whenever I can get a hold of a good one it’s heavenly chow time! My mango eating secrets can be relatable to living to the fullest.

First, slice both fat meaty sides (not too close to the hard seed) and then slash the meat into six sections. One slice north and south and two slices east to west.

Then, with clean hands and using both thumbs as a spoon, hold the slice with both hands and scoop up each to the six chunks of meat out of there. This reminds me that life is to be lived by the chunk. Continue reading